So.... I have to - HAVE TO - get my hospital bag(s) together this weekend so they're ready. We have the car seat, and I want to install that in Trent's car this weekend too - and practice getting it in and out.
Our Birth & Babies classes are going well. We go every Wednesday for 10 weeks and learn everything from pre-natal to post-natal they can shove into 2 hours per week. We've met a lot of great couples, I can't wait to hang out with the other new moms over the next year.
I am done work as of November 17th, so that meas as of today I have 10 work days left. That is totally mind-blowing for me. I'm excited to begin this next chapter of our lives (hell, a whole new novel!), but I'm sad at the same time. I LOVE working at the Zoo. I love seeing the people every day who are as eager and caring and compassionate as I am. I love my new team in Conservation Research, and I would love to return to CR if there is a spot for me in December 2009.
I think the biggest thing I am worried about isn't what kind of mom I'm going to be or doing everything right. It's Trent and my relationship evolving - and the battles that will inevitably ensue over sharing 16 hours of babycare time, cleaning the house, etc. I am scared Trent will think, as most men, that I have nap time all day and watch a lot of TV, so I can clean up after everybody, and he doesn't have to do anything. That's so not going to work with us, I just don't know how to get that point across. It's very important that he pulls his share of the weight - with the house and with baby. Anyway... yes, that's my greatest fear.
Now, my greatest fear with labour? I have no idea. They'll get him out however which way they have to. Bean is still breech (I told the doctor he's like his mom - I can't stand having my feet above my head either!), and if he's still breech by my November 7th, 36 week appointment, we'll get into more discussion about what I can do to try to turn him, or have a c-section. I will be okay with a c-section. Actually, I'm more okay with the idea of a c-section than I am with epidurals in my spine and episiotomies..... *shudder*
I am starting to look into hiring a Doula, or a Doula in Training. We were going to go another route, but I think the Doula would offer a more professional, matter-of-fact kind of attitude that we both need. So we'll see how hiring that person goes, I'll keep you up to date.