I really hope the amount of kicking I'm feeling isn't indicative of what little bean will do as a career. I know nothing about Football.
Before 21 weeks, I felt the tinest of flutters. So tiny, they would leave me guessing if it was baby or gas! But right at 21 weeks on the nose, I felt kicks. Couldn't-be-mistaken-for-anything else-kicks. For the first few days it was only at night, and as soon as I put my hand on my belly he would stop. But now I can even feel him while sitting at my work computer. I love it!
Trent even felt him yesterday....I was eating and Bean was kicking. I grabbed Trent's hand and put it to my belly, but kept eating. Sure enough, there was a kick-kick-kick Hi dad! Trent thought that was pretty durned cool. And scary.
I'll be 22 weeks on Friday. We have so much to do with the house, I feel like I'm drowning :(
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
What I love about being pregnant....
I have to make a post regarding what I love about being pregnant, because I like to complain (even when no one is listening), and it's good to remember the nice parts too. So, this post won't have anything to do with backaches, constipation, heartburn, acne, stretch marks, moodiness, sore feet, charlie-horses, insomnia, 3am cravings, mammoth boobs that feel like they're made of sandpaper, bloating, incontinence, people thinking I'm breakable and can't carry 10 pounds of anything, weight gain, exhaustion, or sheer laziness.
Uhm. Okay, so it won't have anything to do with those things starting now...
What do I love about being pregnant, in no particular order:
(1) I've only had to use my hair removal cream once in the past 5 months. My hair just isn't growing quickly at all. Yaye!
(2) There seems to be a different social status for pregnant women. I notice it at work, at the mall, shopping for sofa's... people treat you differently as soon as they see the belly. They treat me with care, they're excited for me.
(3) SOME of the unsolicited advice from total strangers is actually really good advice.
(4) My awesomest of awesome baby bhudda bellies.
(5) I can eat pretty much whatever I want and get away with it. Case in point: I had a soft taco at 1am Saturday morning because all I could do was lay awake for over an hour, stare at the ceiling, and obsess about my soft taco. And worry that if I didn't get up and have it right then, Trent would eat it for breakfast in the morning and I'd get mad at him - because he should have read my mind and known I wanted it! ??
(6) How excited our family is.
(7) This new and challenging novel for Trent and I. I love a challenge.
(8) Waking up to Bean kicking me. It seems like it took forever to feel it, but now I feel it every day.
(9) Great parking at the mall.
(10) No periods, no tampons, no debilitating PMS cramps. YEAH baby.
(11) That I'm going to be a MOM!
(12) Trent rubbing my belly or resting his hand on my belly when we're watching TV. I love that.
(13) Comfy clothes that accentuate my baby belly, and I don't have to worry about sucking anything in.
(14) I now have a real reason to buy baby things. Books, toys, clothes... Trent is *so* going to have to put me on a budget... I go crazy when my friends have babies, I think it'll be even worse now.
(15) I have a valid excuse to "take it easy" and "nap". Even though I don't do either, I could if I wanted to!
(16) I can be moody and get away with it.
(17) People seem to be genuinely afraid of a mad pregnant woman. *coughLeonscough*
Uhm. Okay, so it won't have anything to do with those things starting now...
What do I love about being pregnant, in no particular order:
(1) I've only had to use my hair removal cream once in the past 5 months. My hair just isn't growing quickly at all. Yaye!
(2) There seems to be a different social status for pregnant women. I notice it at work, at the mall, shopping for sofa's... people treat you differently as soon as they see the belly. They treat me with care, they're excited for me.
(3) SOME of the unsolicited advice from total strangers is actually really good advice.
(4) My awesomest of awesome baby bhudda bellies.
(5) I can eat pretty much whatever I want and get away with it. Case in point: I had a soft taco at 1am Saturday morning because all I could do was lay awake for over an hour, stare at the ceiling, and obsess about my soft taco. And worry that if I didn't get up and have it right then, Trent would eat it for breakfast in the morning and I'd get mad at him - because he should have read my mind and known I wanted it! ??
(6) How excited our family is.
(7) This new and challenging novel for Trent and I. I love a challenge.
(8) Waking up to Bean kicking me. It seems like it took forever to feel it, but now I feel it every day.
(9) Great parking at the mall.
(10) No periods, no tampons, no debilitating PMS cramps. YEAH baby.
(11) That I'm going to be a MOM!
(12) Trent rubbing my belly or resting his hand on my belly when we're watching TV. I love that.
(13) Comfy clothes that accentuate my baby belly, and I don't have to worry about sucking anything in.
(14) I now have a real reason to buy baby things. Books, toys, clothes... Trent is *so* going to have to put me on a budget... I go crazy when my friends have babies, I think it'll be even worse now.
(15) I have a valid excuse to "take it easy" and "nap". Even though I don't do either, I could if I wanted to!
(16) I can be moody and get away with it.
(17) People seem to be genuinely afraid of a mad pregnant woman. *coughLeonscough*
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hospital Tour
So, I got my hospital tour last night. Not exactly the way I'd like it to be, but at least I know where to go now.
I will preface this by saying Bean and I are both fine.
For the past couple days I've felt something was "off" with little bean. I didn't know what, but things weren't right. Nothing quantitative. I called the low risk clinic and they said it's just best for me to go to the hospital because if something actually is wrong, they could do something about it right there. Makes sense. So, off I go. I got there at 2:45, and got right in!
Within a few minutes, a nurse came in to check baby's heartbeat. She couldn't find it on the ancient looking hospital paddles (as my heart rate increases......), so she tried the hand-held doppler. It took her a while to find it, but it was a strong 147bpm (as my heart rate decreases.....).
Next she hooked me up to some weird looking machine that checks whether I'm having contractions or not (the readout looks like a lie detector or an EKG reading). I said I'm not having any cramps or anything, just a hard spot here *pointing*. She said "love, your little one is still a little one - you wouldn't feel contractions if you were having them". Oh. Okay. Carry on, I'll shut up. So, I stayed hooked up to that for an hour. Good news - no contractions.
I start to fall asleep as I'm waiting for another test, but they wheel in a woman in labour in the bed next to mine. I fall asleep in between her contractions, but as her contractions are going on I'm thinking a few different things. First: "ow. Is it too late to turn back?!?!" Second: "she said no to drugs. Why would she say no to drugs? That's my whole birth plan! Epidural at hospital admission, baby!" Third: "wow are the things her husband is saying *so* not going to help me". Poor guy.... "shhhh, it's okay honey. Shhhhhh. Just breathe. Shhhhhhhh, it's okay". It's okay? YOU get on the table and push a watermelon out of your arse, then tell me it's okay! *laughs*
The doctor's intern came to check on me, ran a pee test, everything's fine. She didn't have the best bedside manner, but I guess that's one of the reasons she's an intern - to learn that. She did make me feel a bit like I was wasting her time. "Can you quantify your feeling? What do you mean it's just a feeling? How would you explain it?". Whereas when the doc came in and moved things around (seriously - she dug UNDER my uterus, pushed everything to the side to tap around - external exam only), I apologized again for seeming to waste her time. She was very nice and said it's never a waste of time to make sure everything's okay, and I wouldn't have gotten any sleep if I hadn't have come in, so it's good that I did. And besides, "mama's always know, I don't question it". So, she made me feel much better.
After almost 3 hours, I was discharged with nothing more than a "watch the sore spot, if it gets worse, come in. But baby's fine". The "but" was all I was needing to hear.
So, little bean is just fine. His heartbeat is where it's supposed to be, his length is where he's supposed to be, and it looks like he's content to stay where he is.
I will preface this by saying Bean and I are both fine.
For the past couple days I've felt something was "off" with little bean. I didn't know what, but things weren't right. Nothing quantitative. I called the low risk clinic and they said it's just best for me to go to the hospital because if something actually is wrong, they could do something about it right there. Makes sense. So, off I go. I got there at 2:45, and got right in!
Within a few minutes, a nurse came in to check baby's heartbeat. She couldn't find it on the ancient looking hospital paddles (as my heart rate increases......), so she tried the hand-held doppler. It took her a while to find it, but it was a strong 147bpm (as my heart rate decreases.....).
Next she hooked me up to some weird looking machine that checks whether I'm having contractions or not (the readout looks like a lie detector or an EKG reading). I said I'm not having any cramps or anything, just a hard spot here *pointing*. She said "love, your little one is still a little one - you wouldn't feel contractions if you were having them". Oh. Okay. Carry on, I'll shut up. So, I stayed hooked up to that for an hour. Good news - no contractions.
I start to fall asleep as I'm waiting for another test, but they wheel in a woman in labour in the bed next to mine. I fall asleep in between her contractions, but as her contractions are going on I'm thinking a few different things. First: "ow. Is it too late to turn back?!?!" Second: "she said no to drugs. Why would she say no to drugs? That's my whole birth plan! Epidural at hospital admission, baby!" Third: "wow are the things her husband is saying *so* not going to help me". Poor guy.... "shhhh, it's okay honey. Shhhhhh. Just breathe. Shhhhhhhh, it's okay". It's okay? YOU get on the table and push a watermelon out of your arse, then tell me it's okay! *laughs*
The doctor's intern came to check on me, ran a pee test, everything's fine. She didn't have the best bedside manner, but I guess that's one of the reasons she's an intern - to learn that. She did make me feel a bit like I was wasting her time. "Can you quantify your feeling? What do you mean it's just a feeling? How would you explain it?". Whereas when the doc came in and moved things around (seriously - she dug UNDER my uterus, pushed everything to the side to tap around - external exam only), I apologized again for seeming to waste her time. She was very nice and said it's never a waste of time to make sure everything's okay, and I wouldn't have gotten any sleep if I hadn't have come in, so it's good that I did. And besides, "mama's always know, I don't question it". So, she made me feel much better.
After almost 3 hours, I was discharged with nothing more than a "watch the sore spot, if it gets worse, come in. But baby's fine". The "but" was all I was needing to hear.
So, little bean is just fine. His heartbeat is where it's supposed to be, his length is where he's supposed to be, and it looks like he's content to stay where he is.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Happy 5 months!
Little Bean is 5 months old today!
He's about 10.5 inches tall (on average... so, knowing how tall mom and dad are, he's probably a foot long ;)). He hasn't been waking me up at night, but I do feel him more often now. At least I think I do. For all I know it could be ligaments shifting. I did feel a very obvious kick while in a meeting yesterday... I actually jumped in my seat!
I've gained 12 pounds. *sighs*. I'm trying to remember that gaining weight = healthy baby. But I was on weight watchers for a long time, and gaining weight was bad, bad, bad. So I still have that mentality. At least it all seems to be in my belly, I don't *think* I look overweight anywhere else. I'm just obviously pregnant now. I like that part :)
Bean's limbs have reached their relative proportions now - so now all he needs to do is stay in there another 5 months and get big and strong. Okay, not too big. But strong!
He has teeth buds now, and finger and toe pads. He has more well defined lips. No more Lion/Human mix! Yaye! His testes are descending, but they still haven't passed the abdominal wall. He now has visible eyelashes and eyebrows! So, for all intents and purposes, Little Bean finally looks like a minature baby! Right now he weighs 1/8 of his final birth weight. Yaye - the most significant weight gain is still to come ;)
We really have to get enrolled in Lamaze and prenatal classes... mama keeps forgetting. Surprise. :)
I've gained 12 pounds. *sighs*. I'm trying to remember that gaining weight = healthy baby. But I was on weight watchers for a long time, and gaining weight was bad, bad, bad. So I still have that mentality. At least it all seems to be in my belly, I don't *think* I look overweight anywhere else. I'm just obviously pregnant now. I like that part :)
Bean's limbs have reached their relative proportions now - so now all he needs to do is stay in there another 5 months and get big and strong. Okay, not too big. But strong!
He has teeth buds now, and finger and toe pads. He has more well defined lips. No more Lion/Human mix! Yaye! His testes are descending, but they still haven't passed the abdominal wall. He now has visible eyelashes and eyebrows! So, for all intents and purposes, Little Bean finally looks like a minature baby! Right now he weighs 1/8 of his final birth weight. Yaye - the most significant weight gain is still to come ;)
We really have to get enrolled in Lamaze and prenatal classes... mama keeps forgetting. Surprise. :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
11.75 squares!

Wow. I'm only 6.5 inches long. But that's only CRL (Crown to Rump Length)... I'm sure my legs are lonnnnnnnnnng...
As of today, mama is 11.75 squares of Toilet Paper wide. She was 11 last week. She doesn't look like she grew that much, but I guess she did! In the weeks she's been tracking:
14: 9.00
15: 9.25
16: 9.75
17: 9.75
18: 10.50
19: 11.00
20: 11.75
I'm 5 months old on Friday! Mama can't believe how fast time has flown. We get to meet in 5 months! Neither of us are in a rush. I'm comfy and warm in here, and I can feel mama's heartbeat rise every time she thinks about it :)
Friday, July 11, 2008
A note from mom
Please be gentle, this isn't exactly a topic that is widely discussed outside of support groups.
I've been feeling a little guilty lately, because I wasn't instantly 100% excited when the ultrasound tech told Trent and I we were having a boy. And I'm still getting over it. I thought for sure it would be a girl! I've always had a girl named picked (since I was about 10...), but just started thinking of boy names in case he did turn out to be a boy. I was happy to hear he was healthy and growing, but expressed a little disappointment over the past few days that he's not a girl. Especially working at the Zoo, where I probably see the worst of kids (excited, tired, and hopped up on sugar). I know I'll get over that, especially when I meet him, and have taken steps to bond with our little boy. Trent has been more accepting of baby now too, since we know he is happy and healthy in his temporary lodging.
When we go for these anatomy ultrasounds, the expectant moms and dads tend to forget it's a diagnostic tool above all else. The techs and doctors couldn't care less if it's a boy or a girl. They're checking brain, spine and heart development.
Well, what has helped me start bonding with my boy this week is knowing he is healthy. All 10 fingers and toes, a perfectly developing brain and heart. After previous heartache, Trent and I found ourselves feeling distant from Little Bean, not wanting to believe he's real until we thought he had a great chance at surviving. It's too hard to get so involved and get hurt. Stupid thoughts, as I know we would have been devastated no matter what, if something had happened to our dear little one.
What helped bring this all home, is 3 ladies on my December Mama's support forum. Two had their anatomy scans in the past couple of weeks. One scan found her baby with a severe congenital heart defect that might be inoperable.
Another? Found her baby severely underdeveloped. One hand has no fingers and is missing bones. The upper lip isn't closed. The left side of his heart is a lot smaller than the right. The spine is not aligned.
Another lady is just past 16 weeks. She hasn't felt movement in a few days, and her midwife hasn't found the heartbeat. She's going for an ultrasound this weekend, but not holding out much hope. Her last pregnancy ended at 16 weeks as well. The girl she's carrying is named Ella.
My heart goes out to them all. They didn't care if they had a boy or a girl, just that it was healthy. Here I was, the ultimate Type-A planner, hoping for a girl and automatically thinking "of course my baby is healthy. There's really no other option". Well, I got a boy, and a very healthy one at that. And that's really all that matters.
Please send positive vibes to "Moo Maw", "Emerson", and "Eviecat". They need them. And go hug your boys and girls.
I've been feeling a little guilty lately, because I wasn't instantly 100% excited when the ultrasound tech told Trent and I we were having a boy. And I'm still getting over it. I thought for sure it would be a girl! I've always had a girl named picked (since I was about 10...), but just started thinking of boy names in case he did turn out to be a boy. I was happy to hear he was healthy and growing, but expressed a little disappointment over the past few days that he's not a girl. Especially working at the Zoo, where I probably see the worst of kids (excited, tired, and hopped up on sugar). I know I'll get over that, especially when I meet him, and have taken steps to bond with our little boy. Trent has been more accepting of baby now too, since we know he is happy and healthy in his temporary lodging.
When we go for these anatomy ultrasounds, the expectant moms and dads tend to forget it's a diagnostic tool above all else. The techs and doctors couldn't care less if it's a boy or a girl. They're checking brain, spine and heart development.
Well, what has helped me start bonding with my boy this week is knowing he is healthy. All 10 fingers and toes, a perfectly developing brain and heart. After previous heartache, Trent and I found ourselves feeling distant from Little Bean, not wanting to believe he's real until we thought he had a great chance at surviving. It's too hard to get so involved and get hurt. Stupid thoughts, as I know we would have been devastated no matter what, if something had happened to our dear little one.
What helped bring this all home, is 3 ladies on my December Mama's support forum. Two had their anatomy scans in the past couple of weeks. One scan found her baby with a severe congenital heart defect that might be inoperable.
Another? Found her baby severely underdeveloped. One hand has no fingers and is missing bones. The upper lip isn't closed. The left side of his heart is a lot smaller than the right. The spine is not aligned.
Another lady is just past 16 weeks. She hasn't felt movement in a few days, and her midwife hasn't found the heartbeat. She's going for an ultrasound this weekend, but not holding out much hope. Her last pregnancy ended at 16 weeks as well. The girl she's carrying is named Ella.
My heart goes out to them all. They didn't care if they had a boy or a girl, just that it was healthy. Here I was, the ultimate Type-A planner, hoping for a girl and automatically thinking "of course my baby is healthy. There's really no other option". Well, I got a boy, and a very healthy one at that. And that's really all that matters.
Please send positive vibes to "Moo Maw", "Emerson", and "Eviecat". They need them. And go hug your boys and girls.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Feel the Love
Ahhhhh mom and dad love me.
Mom's talking to me now, and she sings a lot when she's in the car, and rubs her belly/my home.
Dad gave me my first Zerberts last night. I liked them, I kicked like crazy.
I think mom's over the shock of me being a boy, and now she's excited. She tells me she can't wait to meet me, but at the same time is really glad I'm not due to arrive for another 5 months. She still has to get my room ready, paint the whole house, get new carpet...... it makes me tired just hearing about it!
Mom's going on a trip in August with a girlfriend of hers. To somewhere hot. But she promises lots of pool time and air conditioning, so we'll be fine. A few days in Las Vegas to relax will be great! Mom and dad are trying to figure out a place to go sometime in September for a week too... but are having problems agreeing on where! Mom doesn't want to travel for over 6 hours and thinks even 6 will put her in a nasty mood. She says this is the only time she's not going to be willing to travel for hours to get to a destination. That, and she's worried about getting sick while being far away. And grandma reminded her last night that women have been known to deliver at 7 months!
I don't think either of us are ready for that. I like it in here. *yawnkick*
Mom's talking to me now, and she sings a lot when she's in the car, and rubs her belly/my home.
Dad gave me my first Zerberts last night. I liked them, I kicked like crazy.
I think mom's over the shock of me being a boy, and now she's excited. She tells me she can't wait to meet me, but at the same time is really glad I'm not due to arrive for another 5 months. She still has to get my room ready, paint the whole house, get new carpet...... it makes me tired just hearing about it!
Mom's going on a trip in August with a girlfriend of hers. To somewhere hot. But she promises lots of pool time and air conditioning, so we'll be fine. A few days in Las Vegas to relax will be great! Mom and dad are trying to figure out a place to go sometime in September for a week too... but are having problems agreeing on where! Mom doesn't want to travel for over 6 hours and thinks even 6 will put her in a nasty mood. She says this is the only time she's not going to be willing to travel for hours to get to a destination. That, and she's worried about getting sick while being far away. And grandma reminded her last night that women have been known to deliver at 7 months!
I don't think either of us are ready for that. I like it in here. *yawnkick*
Monday, July 7, 2008
New Ultrasound Images
Mom and dad have told my grandparents now, so the rest of the world can know - I'm a boy!!!!! Grandma Mills, our friend's mom and our other friend's grandma ALL said I was going to be a boy.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
How do I slow down the world?
That's what mom's been asking a lot lately. She can't believe she's almost 18 weeks pregnant. 4.5 months already? No way!!
I think she's starting to realize I'm here to stay... I've heard her talking to me more, and I can hear the music she plays me every day. She always rubs her belly when she plays it - she calls it African. She sure loves that music! She says she can't wait for one day when I'm old enough, to introduce me to one of her first loves, and take me to Africa. For now we'll have to be content with Baby Einstein Wildlife DVDs and the Calgary Zoo. I think we'll be spending A LOT of time at the Zoo.....
So, according to "those in the know", I weigh approximately 7 ounces and am about 6 inches long. That's for regular length babies, and knowing how tall my mom and dad are, I thinkin' I'm already longer than 6 inches.
Currently I look like a teeny little baby slathered in grease. YUM. Apparently it's necessary to keep my very thin skin from bruising while I bounce around inside of mom.
How's this for a fact to blow your mind: If I'm a girl, last week I produced millions of primordial egg cells. At 18 weeks, I already have a uterus and vaginal canal, and start producing real eggs. How's THAT for growing up before daddy's ready?!?!?!
By the way, only 5 days until we find out the angle of my dangle! Mom says she'll post the pictures here as soon as she can and you can all guess for yourselves :)
As for mom, she's noticed it's getting a lot harder to breathe. Which, for an asthmatic, isn't so grand. But her lungs are bigger than normal healthy lungs, and I'm already pushing on them, so.... sorry! Gotta make room! She's also saying goodbye to her belly-button. Mom's been lightheaded and had a few nose-bleeds but I guess that's to be expected. She has to produce more blood than ever now. She's still exhausted and.. uhm.. moody. Let's just call it moody. But she's nice to me so that's all I really care about.
I think she's starting to realize I'm here to stay... I've heard her talking to me more, and I can hear the music she plays me every day. She always rubs her belly when she plays it - she calls it African. She sure loves that music! She says she can't wait for one day when I'm old enough, to introduce me to one of her first loves, and take me to Africa. For now we'll have to be content with Baby Einstein Wildlife DVDs and the Calgary Zoo. I think we'll be spending A LOT of time at the Zoo.....
So, according to "those in the know", I weigh approximately 7 ounces and am about 6 inches long. That's for regular length babies, and knowing how tall my mom and dad are, I thinkin' I'm already longer than 6 inches.
Currently I look like a teeny little baby slathered in grease. YUM. Apparently it's necessary to keep my very thin skin from bruising while I bounce around inside of mom.
How's this for a fact to blow your mind: If I'm a girl, last week I produced millions of primordial egg cells. At 18 weeks, I already have a uterus and vaginal canal, and start producing real eggs. How's THAT for growing up before daddy's ready?!?!?!
By the way, only 5 days until we find out the angle of my dangle! Mom says she'll post the pictures here as soon as she can and you can all guess for yourselves :)
As for mom, she's noticed it's getting a lot harder to breathe. Which, for an asthmatic, isn't so grand. But her lungs are bigger than normal healthy lungs, and I'm already pushing on them, so.... sorry! Gotta make room! She's also saying goodbye to her belly-button. Mom's been lightheaded and had a few nose-bleeds but I guess that's to be expected. She has to produce more blood than ever now. She's still exhausted and.. uhm.. moody. Let's just call it moody. But she's nice to me so that's all I really care about.
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