Monday, September 8, 2008

Mmmmm..... sleeeeep....

So it seems the third trimester exhaustion has caught up to me. I thought I was exhausted in the 2nd trimester (I never did get that "2nd trimester 2nd wind" thing others spoke so fondly of), but with how tired I am now, I realize I was actually quite well rested last trimester.

If you're pregnant you're not supposed to sleep on your back or right side - and forget about sleeping on your belly. All of the above are the only ways I sleep - I can't sleep on my left side! I try, but always wake up with shooting pains in my arms or legs. Not that it matters which position I try to sleep in - sleep is fitful and interrupted constantly by Bean jumping on my bladder. Or charlie-horses so bad I have to get up and walk around the house. Or I'm sweating (while Trent is freezing under 3 layers of quilt, I open the window further! Poor guy). Or braxton-hicks contractions so strong they take my breath away. I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future of how awake he's going to be!!!


I used to rely on the weekends to catch up on sleep (I'd sleep 9-10 hours Friday and Saturday nights and be "ok" for the rest of the coming week). But I barely got any GOOD sleep on the weekend, so I'm even more toast than usual.

On the plus side: Someone at work told me I look great. That made me feel good.


Anonymous said...

Have you tried more pillows? Hehe. And I say pah to not sleeping on whatever side you're comfortable sleeping on. Baby will turn out fine if you sleep on your right side! And I seem to recall that if you get enough pillows in all the right places, you can simulate laying on your stomach. The trick is "enough pillows." And then learning how to extricate yourself from them so you can make the mid-night pee runs.

Sleeping on your back I just can't imagine...but I'm much shorter than you, if I remember correctly, and had things much more squished up. It was all I could do to make it though a dentist appointment with a belly resting on top of everything. ;-D

Jodene said...

Yeah, me and dentist appt.'s don't get along *normally*, nevermind at 28w.

I haven't been to the dentist in... 3-4 years? *hangs head in shame*

Unknown said...

Just think 12 weeks and you will have a healthy, strong, unconditional loving, innocent little one that, as he grows up will be excited to hear how he was when you carried him for 9 months and how happy you were that he was healthy. He will be excited to hear how much joy he brought to your our life knowing he was going to be apart of your life forever. He will be excited to hear how no matter how little sleep you got and how much pain you were in, nothing mattered but the fact that he was healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes, and how much mom and dad could not wait to meet him. : )

Jodene said...

Mm. Remind me of that after a few sleep-deprived nights when he's here, will ya? ;)