Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We're home......

...I took Bean on a little Vegas vacation. In retrospect Vegas in August probably wasn't the best choice for someone 6 months pregnant. EGADS it was way too hot. The coolest day was 40C, some of the time it got up to 43. But really, after you're past 40 - what's another 3??

We spent a lot of time during the day lounging around, waiting until evening when it was cool enough to do anything. I saw Mystére (Cirque du Soleil) and STOMP - both were absolutely amazing but STOMP was mind blowing.

I'm at 12 toilet paper squares now, but I don't know how much of that is baby and how much is Vegas food. Holy moly do people in Vegas know how to EAT. Think I could find fruits and veggies anywhere? Nope :(

Something I did find, however, is the Gymboree store. Oh my gosh, I had so much fun. I bought a lot of clothes for Bean, for every stage of his first year. Little boy things are just so cute! Cowboys, dogs, wild animals.... he got it all. How could I NOT buy him a little cowboy hat and cowboy boots for Stampede? I'm not that strong. I'll post pictures soon.

Right now Bean is approximately 14" long. His ears and sense of hearing are developed and he can now hear sounds from the outside world (including drums and thunder, and mom and dad). By the end of this week, his testicles will have taken the 3-4 day trip from his abdominal wall to the scrotum. Baby is still breathing in amniotic fluid, and weighs about 2 pounds.

I liken his movements to either playing bongo drums on my bladder, or using the umbilical cord as a jump rope. WOW is this bean a Jumping Bean. He kicks almost nonstop at night and it's hard enough to wake me up now. Trent just felt a huge kick last night on my belly and he was shocked. Just yesterday, Bean started kicking on the left side. He's been entirely right-wombed until then.

People - total strangers, and people I work with - have started touching my belly more often. I guess there is some unwritten rule that says pregnant women no longer have any right to their own personal space. I haven't come up with a good come-back yet, other than the old dodge-and-delay maneuver. I don't mind if people ask, but that they just come in and expect me to be okay with them touching my body, is shocking.

I have an appointment next week for my diabetes screening. *crossing fingers* everything should be okay.

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