Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm in boot camp...

...spring training, bootcamp... whatever. I think L'il Bean is getting me used to sleepless nights. I know I wanted to feel him kick, but I think I forgot to qualify that. I only want to feel the kicks during the day. Not every. bloody. night. I can't sleep!

I mean, it took us a while to get here, so of course I'm happy I can feel him kicking... but seriously. Every night? On the plus side, I got 4 hours of sleep last night. That's better than the previous night, so maybe he's getting better. I hope this isn't indicative of his sleeping habits after he's born. I want him to take after me in that regard - sleeping 8 hours through the night at a month old. I'd LOVE THAT.

I started cleaning out Bean's room on the weekend. What used to take me 1 day has taken me over 3. *sighs* I've enlisted Trent's help for next weekend - we will win! I want Bean's room done by the end of August. Just 'cuz. I'm "nesting" and it's freaking me out not having Ben's place ready yet.

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