Tuesday, July 15, 2008

11.75 squares!

Wow. I'm only 6.5 inches long. But that's only CRL (Crown to Rump Length)... I'm sure my legs are lonnnnnnnnnng...

As of today, mama is 11.75 squares of Toilet Paper wide. She was 11 last week. She doesn't look like she grew that much, but I guess she did! In the weeks she's been tracking:

14: 9.00
15: 9.25
16: 9.75
17: 9.75
18: 10.50
19: 11.00
20: 11.75

I'm 5 months old on Friday! Mama can't believe how fast time has flown. We get to meet in 5 months! Neither of us are in a rush. I'm comfy and warm in here, and I can feel mama's heartbeat rise every time she thinks about it :)

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